Review Submissions & Sponsorship Products. He also has a network of commission painters through his store who can also help you. On top of being a store owner and supporter of the site, Jeremy does commission painting work. He helps Must Contain Minis by painting miniatures for the site and by providing an excellent location for Battle Reports. Painter: Jeremy Cada Jeremy Cada is the owner of Forbes Hobbies (Link) and a strong supporter of Must Contain Minis. Regardless, I hope you enjoy looking at my work. Unlike most of the others on my list of painters, I don’t do commission painting work. Painter: Jacob Stauttener I am the owner and writer of Must Contain Minis and this is the section for miniatures and terrain painted by me. You can contact him by email at For those interested in local deliver, he is located in the Guelph, Kitchener, Cambridge and Hamilton area of Ontario (Canada). He takes in commission work and specializes in fast and affordable painting to a tabletop standard. Painter: Dave Lamers Dave Lamers is a good friend of mine and to Must Contain Minis. He generally doesn’t take in commission work, but I do like showcasing his work on Must Contain Minis. Painter: Brenden Brown Brenden Brown does absolutely awesome painting work. To see more of his miniatures painting, check out his Instagram account – Painting Sith. He also does renovation and woodworking (Link) if that is what you are after. You can reach him through Forbes Hobbies (Link) in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. He is a commission painter who does superb showcase level work. Painter: Andrew Claessens If you are after fine detail in your painted miniatures, Andrew Claessens is well worth a look. Our goal is to both entertain you and inform you about more than one system of gaming. We play many different games and through our stories you can get a feeling of how the games play, what tactics work for us, and many excellent pictures of miniatures and terrain in action. Battle Reports This section of the site contains all of our Battle Reports. News & Previews Articles about upcoming products and recent releases. We do our best to inform the readers of what they are looking at so they can find the products for themselves if they are interested.
Many are painted, some are not, but they are all neat.
Showcases Our showcases show interesting products. In turn, this knowledge can help you decide if a product is right for you. Instead, we present what the product is and some opinions of the product itself. Perhaps we could even end up saving you some money. Take a look through and hopefully you will find a number of articles of interest to you. Reviews The core of this site is our Reviews of games, accessories, terrain, and what ever else comes our way.